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Solar Power!

This is from the Swiss Embassy —

Riding on Sunshine

Swiss schoolteacher Louis Palmer and his SolarTaxi are driving around the world on a mission—to show the world that solar energy technologies are feasible and ripe for development. The SolarTaxi, built in cooperation with four Swiss universities, is fueled entirely by the sun. By the time he finishes his trip in December 2008, Palmer will have driven through five continents, over 40 countries and over 33,000 miles without spending a penny on gasoline.

Palmer arrived on the East Coast of the United States last month and held several events under the banner of ThinkSwiss-Brainstorm the Future to promote alternative energy together with the Swiss Embassy in Washington, D.C., The Consulate General in New York, and swissnex Boston. Palmer presented his car to students and staff at such prestigious universities as Georgetown, New York University, and Harvard, among others. He also gave test rides to Washington, D.C. government officials and drove UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to work in Manhattan on his morning commute.

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