
Save the Arlington Planetarium – Vote is Tomorrow!

The Arlington Virginia Planetarium is in jeopardy. A vote tomorrow (Thursday, April 29 2010) will decide whether the Planetarium will continue or will be closed.  Please join the facebook group and go to the meeting and show your support:

The April 29th meeting is a School Board Meeting, located at 1426 N. Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22207 @ 7:30 p.m. During this meeting, the School Board will vote on the fate of the David M. Brown Planetarium.

“Friends of the Planetarium” would love for you to join us in support of the planetarium during this meeting.

If you lend your voice, “Friends of the Planetarium” will make sure it is heard! Please E-mail schoolbd@arlington.k12.va.us | Call (703) 228-6015 | Sign

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