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Success! First Recordings from the Yucatan EAR!

The first sounds from the Ecological Acoustic Recorder have successfully been recorded and retrieved. This is the first acoustic monitoring data from the region, and we are excited to listen to them.

Last September, when we deployed the EAR off the coast of Isla Contoy, it looked like this:

EAR, the day of deployment, September 19, 2010

When we retrieved the EAR, after four months of deployment, it looked like this:

EAR, the day of retrieval, Jan 18, 2011

We brought it back to the lab, disassembled it, retrieved the data, reset the recorder and put it back together.

EAR innards being inspected in the Engineering Lab at Universidad del Caribe

Three days later, we put it back in the water:

Jan 21, 2011, EAR in boat immediately before redeployment.

Thank you to all the groups who have contributed to this project, including:

Michelle’s Earth Foundation, Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas, Project Domino, Universidad del Caribe, Oceanwide Science Institute, University of North Carolina, Asterisk tours, Obi Kue tours

Photo credits: Rafael de la Parra

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