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Marine Biologist response to book The Girl Who Danced With Dolphins

Thanks for joining my Facebook Live event with Cory Giacobbe! If you have any further questions about the book, ocean science, dolphins, or anything else, let me know!



Here’s a photo of me recording dolphin sounds at an aquarium in Mexico.

2015 el balcon delfines



And another pic of me (top) and my friend and colleague Brando Gonzalez (bottom) doing underwater sound research in the ocean

I'm equalizing my ears, while carrying an EAR... with Brando Gonzalez Photo credit: Ray Santisteban

I’m equalizing my ears, while carrying an EAR…
with Brando Gonzalez
Photo credit: Ray Santisteban




And here’s a photo of a whale shark I took – it is feeding! check out that mouth! and the polka dots!

Whale Shark feeding (Photo: Heather Spence)








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